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Found 8 results

  1. Your in-game nick: [ON]FuckTinG Rulebreaker's nick: zwkdzt. / alias names Reason: spamming chat with shit then mute evading to spam again Date: today Evidence: Extra notes: boring nonsense, someone should ban this guy from connecting to the masterlist, he's just too mad to accept the amount of defeats he's had so far
  2. Your in-game nick: [ON]HunTinG Rulebreaker's nick: [ON]IDIOT Reason: using [ON] tag without permission Date: today, 15 mins ago Evidence: Extra notes: i don't know why he wants to be ON member, maybe he thought he could get protection from me that way
  3. Your in-game nick: [ON]HunTinG Rulebreaker's nick: burak. Reason: death evade by /q Date: today Evidence: Extra notes:
  4. Your in-game nick: [ON]HunTinG Rulebreaker's nick: zwkdzt2 Reason: death evading & joining with VPN Date: 2-3 days ago Evidence: Extra notes: 1:13 i shot down his seasparrow, he was clearly caught in the explosion impact and he reconnected to save a death from his stats he's [F2t]Nassim, as Pain mentioned, and he played with VPN you can check his UID alias for that
  5. Your in-game nick: [ON]HunTinG Rulebreaker's nick: zwkdzt. Reason: death evading Date: today Evidence: Extra notes: 0:50 till 1:10
  6. Your in-game nick: Sos Rulebreaker's nick: KFRATS Reason: Aurora usage Date: today Evidence: Extra notes: Check his alias and tell me who he is
  7. Your in-game nick: PauL Rulebreaker's nick: Burak / Blade Reason: aurora Date: 1 hour ago Evidence: Today on fv he joined with another name (Blade) and he started killing me, in the first place i saw something suspicious with the way he was shooting , much later he started using hp hack and then flying and using the grenade thing too. Oh yea he admited he was always using hacks gta-vc 2021-11-08 16-20-50-882.mp4
  8. Your in-game nick:P.King Rulebreaker's nick:HEZZY Reason:Aurora Date:Today Evidence: Extra notes:-