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Found 10 results

  1. Player: [TdA]Duki. Nick: [ON]HunTinG Reason: Antipunch hack Evidence min 0:04
  2. Your in-game nick: [ON]HunTinG Rulebreaker's nick: serdome420 Reason: aimbot / aurora Date: today Evidence: Extra notes: watch carefully every sequence of the clip, see how his bullets randomly flick to my left while he is shooting my crouching stand position and vice versa..
  3. Nick : [RT]ZeeX Date:Yesterday i think Reason: Admin biased, unfair Evidence: i told him to remove hunting's post where he posted from another servers and he didnt removed, he just removed my videos but he didnt deleted hunting's videos, maybe bcz he is his friend.. even he "warned" me lol when hunting posted videos from koth,ctb,etc
  4. delete the helicanon, because exist around 3 sea sparrows were the new players doesnt know where are they, then is fair if you delete the sea sparrows and the helicanon from the server, and basically is unfair if a player take the helicanon you cant kill him if you havent another helicanon, or replaec the sea and helicanons for hydras like in EC
  5. In-game nick: [KFt]WHo^ Previous nicks: [KFt]Hero^ Country/Timezone: Egypt GMT+2 Time playing VCMP: 2019 Time playing FunVice: Any Time Have you been banned/warned anywhere else? Why?: No. Why do you wish to join the staff crew: I know all server rules as well I know all the hacks, bugs and glitches as well. I know all the ways to catch an aimlocker. I'm active both in forum and server. I know I won't disappoint the community What can you accomplish as a staff member: 1- I've to protect the server from hacker and Rulebreaker. 2- I've to Respect all to whole community members. 3- I've to won't disappoint our community. 4- I've to do my best as I can say Extra notes:I hope to get accepted,Thanks. Regards, [KFt]WHo^
  6. Your in-game nick: [ON]HunTinG Rulebreaker's nick: [F2]Nassim Reason: aurora usage Date: few days ago Evidence: 00:23 see how he can shoot without any limit the shotgun bullets it is the same case as the hacker in this report: 00:33 and 00:45 see how he can shoot also know that this is not working in VCMP without cheats, here is proof it doesnt work: Extra notes: this is only available via injectable aurora file
  7. Your in-game nick: [ON]HunTinG Rulebreaker's nick: [RT]ZeeX Reason: aurora Date: today Evidence: Extra notes: same as i explained in [F2]Nassim report.. he's somehow unblocked the double crouch via illegal modification, just like the aurora cheater who visits server from time to time
  8. Your in-game nick:[F2]Nassim Rulebreaker's nick:Aymen.2002 Reason:Death Evade /q Date:Today Evidence: Extra notes:Nassim told me to report he can't register on forum.
  9. In-game nick: [KFt]Hero^/=KFt=Hu^ Previous nicks: No. Country/Timezone: GMT+2 Time playing VCMP: 2019 Time playing FunVice: Any time. Have you been banned/warned anywhere else? Why?: No. Why do you wish to join the staff crew: because i want to help the newbies i have seen many rule breakers who are breaking rules abusing because i felt the need muting/kicking them because i think this punishment are enough to deal with them What can you accomplish as a staff member: -Enforcing the rules of the server and ensure that all players comply with the same. -If any player need help, then help him. -To let the players what they can and can not do. -take care of the players actions. Extra notes: No,Thanks. Regards, Hu^
  10. In-game nick:Emi. Previous nicks:Emi,[SK]Emi Country/Timezone:Romania Time playing VCMP:2012 Time playing FunVice:2019 Have you been banned/warned anywhere else? Why?:Yes here for lag script didn't use it anymore Why do you wish to join the staff crew:To help Shy and other admins in maintaning the server clean and in good state What can you accomplish as a staff member:I can help u get rid of hackers,ddos kids ( i know some networking since i used to be a hacker too but didn't ddos vc-mp servers ) I Can make sure every player respects the rules,I can help begginers understand the game/server minigames Extra notes:I like pizza, but who doesn't :D Regards, Emi