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BrightLight last won the day on December 19 2021

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  1. Is this in new IP or the old?
  2. The server has been shifted to IP: since the old host lost access to the panel and we aren't able to modify scripts and the owner hasn't replied for weeks. Also, we have the old database months back, we can't get the latest database from the old host panel. So in case, you don't wanna start with an old account, do post a screenshot of your stats below this topic by joining the old server IP. It's still up for a few days. Thanks. Changelogs: • Added /spawnskin with the cost of $2500. • Added AFK system. It changes your name to for example: [AFK]6858 if you go AFK. However, it takes 3-4 seconds to update your status when you go AFK (blame VCMP's slow data) but instantly changes your name to the correct one after you come back. We'll modify it to for example Brightlight to Brightlight[AFK] in the next update. It can be quite helpful in some cases, but let me know your opinions.
  3. /ignore exists for a reason. The command was created for these acts. Use /ignore a command if someone insults you. Either insult him back (without breaking any rule, insulting isn't a rule yet) or ignore him in a maturely way. However, it didn't even take you a day to repeat the same offense. Surely, the ban will be severe. I'll issue the punishment when I get home and will let you know.
  4. You quit the game after "he chose another skin, spawned, opened fire and tried to attack you". The report wouldn't make sense if he was in the same skin as you. I'll issue the punishment when I get home and will let you know.
  5. The proof is not enough to issue him a ban. Do tell me within 24 hours if you've got another proof. Reply with proof else not.
  6. This time staff is letting @lukaku go with a warning, next time will be a ban. Take this warning as a final warning to your offense, you won't be spared again. Warned.
  7. I'm sorry to say that we've encountered the same problem again. The panel's been down for 8-10 days and we've been trying to contact the owner frequently but he seems no hope. Since the panel host is down, I'm afraid the server may be down in the upcoming days. We have decided to move the current scripts to the host which was used as an alternative when we encountered lag problems before. I'll be waiting for your opinions.
  8. I've given my view on the report. I'm busy and unable to join the server for a few weeks. I'll ask a staff member to deal with it soon.
  9. You were told to apply after 15th January 2022. You don't even care about rules and improvements from previous rejections at all. Please mind reading the previous applications and specifically rules before applying again, or you'll be application-banned. [b]Apply after the 15th of January[/b]. Your applications will no longer be appreciated if you keep breaking the rules. Before applying, I suggest you improving, understanding rules better, showing activity and interaction with staff members (for the staff to find your personality) and reviewing previous applications before applying. Thanks for applying, this application will be suspended for applying before the given date.
  10. EC approves UID, and it also doesn't limit accounts per player. I'm talking about limiting players to 3 accounts and approving a player if the player is new and doesn't have an official account (The other 2 accounts can be aliases) to play with. The player can play register two more accounts. Registering 4th account will not let him spawn.
  11. That server allows you to login to an existing account to get playing allowed which is opposite to what I suggested. I asked about removing less than 100 kills accounts which are flooding the database and 3 accounts per player. An account approving system is widely implemented in most servers. I had a discussion about it long time ago but didn't make it.
  12. Since the current VPS blocks VPN signals, we can't really implement that, unfortunately. I've thought of the following and hoping if you could help me out with suggestions: (1) Delete all the accounts with less than 100 kills (you've no idea that it'll delete thousands of accounts) once. (2) Only approved accounts by admins will be allowed to play on the server (existing accounts with more than 100 kills who will still be in the database and allowed to play). (3) Maximum 3 aliases per player. I know it sucks but it'll improve security for server a lot.
  13. It doesn't matter. No matter you sent different messages, but you got muted and you evaded. Yes, apologies. After hearing @lukaku's defense which shows him not being ashamed of his actions, the staff decided to ban him for 5 days (based on recent punishment record). Thanks for reporting!
  14. @lukaku Though the report is obvious and doesn't require any discussion at all, I still want you to post your defense. Few hours till the report is to be marked dealt.