banned Blade/Burak- Aurora User


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Your in-game nick: PauL
Rulebreaker's nick: Burak / Blade 
Reason: aurora
Date: 1 hour ago

Today on fv he joined with another name (Blade) and he started killing me, in the first place i saw something suspicious with the way he was shooting , much later he started using hp hack and then flying and using the grenade thing too. Oh yea he admited he was always using hacks



Edited by P.King
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  • Management

Hello P.King,

The report has been noted. The staff will response as soon as possible, be patient. If you have any extra evidences, feel free to post it. Your report is being looked at.

Note: If you are not mentioned in this report, do NOT reply unless you have an evidence to add in the report or any other stuff which justifies the report. Opposing it will result in forum ban.

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