[F2t]Nassim - joining with VPN & death evading


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Your in-game nick: [ON]HunTinG
Rulebreaker's nick: zwkdzt2
Reason: death evading & joining with VPN
Date: 2-3 days ago

Extra notes: 1:13 i shot down his seasparrow, he was clearly caught in the explosion impact and he reconnected to save a death from his stats


he's [F2t]Nassim, as Pain mentioned, and he played with VPN

you can check his UID alias for that

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Hello HunTinG,

The report has been noted. The staff will response as soon as possible, be patient. If you have any extra evidences, feel free to post it. Your report is being looked at.

Note: If you are not mentioned in this report, do NOT reply unless you have an evidence to add in the report or any other stuff which justifies the report. Opposing it will result in forum ban.

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Nassim no estaba en medio del combate, tome esto como ejemplo: se fue del helicanon porque el helicanon explotó y luego, se reincorporó, la caza no estaba con él, y lo hizo / goto cmd pero nassim era el / nogoto en cmd en ON turn, entonces este informe no es válido, 1 porque nassim se reincorporó después de que su helicóptero explotó, 2 porque nadie lo estaba atacando, la caza fue quizás de 500 metros o 700 con nassim, tome este informe como ejemplo válido  https://funvicevcmp.smfnew2.com/player -reportar / (en) cazar-evadir-otra vez /

and about VPN, hunting joined with VPN too, check this https://funvicevcmp.smfnew2.com/player-report/(on)hunting-ban-evade-211/ , hunting did ban evade after admins banned him because emi got punished when he evaded against hacker and hunting reported him, then admins banned hunting bcz hunting evaded a hacker, hunting made ban evade in his desesperation and admins unbanned him, and HBD said "if hunting ban evade again, we will give him a perma ban" but funvice staff didnt banned him, then why admins should ban nassim now for it?

Edited by lukaku
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he evaded cuz he was struck in explosion

if he had nogoto on and he wanted to run, he just could've /heal /gotoloc, but he reconnected to avoid getting +1 death in stats by me

also, my case is different, see shy's explanation further for what happened back then

idk if joining with VPN is rulebreak or not (up to admins i guess), but nassim did death evade.

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okay first of all @HunTinGin the report topic you mentioned zwkdzt2 as a rule breaker but as i saw in the video it is zwkdzt. who evaded in the sea can you please make it easier for me?

and you also saying here that nassim did death evade too but i really can't see where,
can you favor me dude? please cut the video and re-upload so i may see where he evaded and whatever.


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1 minute ago, HunTinG said:

ok so

zwkdzt2 = [F2]Nassim with VPN (under alias)


Player zwkdzt2 is blocking teleportations.
it is clear that his teleportations are blocked then it is not evade i guess. clear me if still something wrong.

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his helicopter was on fire and he EXPLODED

when he had 0 hp he just /q and reconnect


it makes perfect sense, why would he quit while his helicopter is on fire and was going to touch the ground? he obviously couldn't escape anymore and was about to die, so instead he just reconnected to avoid this.

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5 minutes ago, HunTinG said:

his helicopter was on fire and he EXPLODED

when he had 0 hp he just /q and reconnect


it makes perfect sense, why would he quit while his helicopter is on fire and was going to touch the ground? he obviously couldn't escape anymore and was about to die, so instead he just reconnected to avoid this.

i am talking about this video which you mentioned  here.


13 minutes ago, HunTinG said:

ok so

zwkdzt2 = [F2]Nassim with VPN (under alias)


in this video it is not evade dude.

i checked the helicopter one it is evade but that one is not zwkdzt2 that guy is zwkdzt.

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lol at ammu it's up to you to consider it evade or not, it's why i reported

i don't care what happens to this idiot i guess, but if it was up to me, this was evade, cuz he failed to eject from heli and he disconnected to avoid adding 1 death to stats (like pain in 1st instance)


the ORANGE blip on map was zwkdzt2, see the full video I posted in the initial report, both were using helicopters, and when they got taken out both did same evade style

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27 minutes ago, HunTinG said:

ok so

zwkdzt2 = [F2]Nassim with VPN (under alias)


I checked the video once again zwkdzt2 gone too far then disconnected so i am not considering it to the ban evade, 


In the first video where zwkdzt. evaded via rq he will be banned for 3 days for this. 

About VPN we dont have any rule related VPN we may discuss one again about this rule. 

zwkdzt. will be banned for 3 days, Thanks for the report. 

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