gamemode Deathmatch


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Do you love to do deathmatch? You've chose the right place. Enjoy deathmatching in the server with ultimately no restrictions. Invite your friends to play with and we're sure you'd love to play again. Some highlights:


Unlock achievements with more restrictions eliminated as you go by. Every achievement involves huge amount of money and unlockables. 

High cash:

Earn high amount of cash per kill and lose only ~20% of the money when you die. 

Free commands:

Enjoy many commands i.e gotoloc, goto, spawnloc etc free of cost. Some commands related to deathmatch may be limited to dollars.

Lag free focused:

Our deathmatch game mode is always updated while keeping an eye on deathmatching. You'll witness less lag as compared to most servers besides your internet problems.


Have fun in a server disabling every type of glitch to increase deathmatching stability.

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